As we continue to monitor the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, we are taking every precaution to ensure the health and safety of our staff and clients. While our office continues to remain open, we may be working remotely at times and/or have varied hours of operation. We do encourage meetings by phone or video conferencing where possible. However, for those who prefer, we are accepting in-person appointments at our office again, but using strict safety protocols.
If you have been exposed to a person who has been positively identified as having – or is suspected to have COVID-19, if you or a member of your household have been travelling in the last 14 days anywhere outside of the Province of Ontario or, if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, we would ask that you not attend our office and instead contact us to make alternative arrangements.

We continue to do our part to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

For more information contact us today at 905-669-7577.


There are currently no full-time opportunities, although unadvertised contract positions and part-time work may be open. If you are interested in a position with us, please email us →

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