Custody relates to the rights that a parent has regarding the primary residence and the raising of their child or children.
There are four different types of Child Custody:
Sole Custody
In a Sole Custody arrangement, the parent who obtains custody controls how the child is raised in relation to education, spiritual beliefs, healthcare and primary residence without any say from the other parent. The other parent is deemed a non-custodial parent and is therefore not entitled to physical and or legal custody of their children as issued by the court.
Joint Custody
Under Joint Custody, both parents have identical care and decision making power in regards to the raising of their children. These parents share responsibility but this does not necessarily mean that the child is obligated to spend equal time living with each parent. Only one parent is approved to provide primary residence for the child.
Split Custody
Split Custody can apply when more than one child is involved. In such cases each parent may be assigned primary custody of at least one child.
Shared Custody
Under Shared Custody arrangements, the child or children reside equally with each parent where at least 40 percent of the parent’s time is to be spent with their child or children. In this situation combined parental decision making takes place.